I’m New Here

Visiting a church for the first time should be a welcoming and encouraging experience. Join us on Sunday morning for a cup of coffee in the foyer, we would love to meet you!

Here are some answers you may be wondering about…

When are services?

Sunday services are at 10:30AM

What’s a worship service like?

We believe that through our liturgy (order of worship), Christ and the goodness and beauty of the Gospel are made known. In the worship service, we gather together to lift our hearts and give praise to God for His faithfulness to us. And, best of all, we gather to hear God’s assurance to us that, in Christ, our sins are forgiven.

In the worship service, God calls us to Himself, cleanses us from our sin, consecrates us by His word, communes with us at His table, and commissions us to serve Him, wherever he has called us to walk with Him in faith, hope, and love. It is through this weekly drama of worship that God reorients our hearts, reminds us of who we are in Christ, and equips us to glorify Him and serve our neighbors in love.

Where do I take my children?

There are a few options for your children. We welcome children of all ages & abilities to remain with their parents in worship. We have children’s bulletins and Bibles available in the foyer. We have a staffed nursery as well as a dedicated cry room for nursing mothers. Parents of children ages two to five are given the choice of sending their kids to a children’s worship time during the sermon portion of the service.

Remember Me

Robert Recio preached on Remember Me

SERMON TEXT: Deuteronomy 6:10-25


17 Shawnee Trail, Asheville, NC 28805
(828) 299-3433 | info@trinityasheville.com

Centering our lives around Jesus. Loving one another. Loving the world.
Join us for Sunday Worship Service at 10:30AM.