Youth Ministry
TPC youth exists as a ministry of Trinity Church to meet high school and middle school students where they are and to bring the gospel to bear in their particular reality. We seek to move students towards Christ as they move towards adulthood and to invite them into the mission of the church today. We want to be a ministry where broken people can freely bring their doubts, fears, hopes, and dreams and be met with the love and grace of the Gospel every day. Our goal is to see students know Jesus more deeply through being known and loved by this ministry.
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Sunday Morning – on summer break
7th-12th graders gather in the Trailer during the Sunday school hour from 11-11:55 AM. They spend the hour studying the Bible together through teaching from staff member Chuck Linkston. Check the youth weekly for information about this month’s study.
Sunday Night
Youth are meeting with adults for teaching this summer! Come for teaching at 5PM, followed by a potluck supper on the grounds. June 2 and 30; July 21; August 4 and 18. We would love for you to join us!